EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 75

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               simply impossible based on the disclosure found in . . .               
               Application Serial No. 147,006 to determine what special               
               meaning is to be attributed by the phrase “a sequence                  
               of 3-50 monomer units” whether it is applied to an                     
               sequence or to a syndiotactic sequence or to a                         
               of meso and racemic dyads as Dr. Winter may be arguing.                
               We cannot agree with Dr. Atwood’s conclusion that “[i]t                
          is simply impossible based on the disclosure found in . . .                 
          Application Serial No. 147,006 to determine what special                    
          meaning is to be attributed by the phrase ‘a sequence length                
          of 3-50 monomer units’” (id.).  Dr. Atwood has not explained                
          why persons skilled in the art, with full knowledge of                      
          Randall’s teaching and Buschermohle’s formulas for calculating              
          average sequence length, (1) would not have understood that                 
          the sequence lengths of stereochemical additions of vinyl                   
          polymers may be accurately described in terms of the average                
          sequence length of like configurational placements in                       
          accordance with Randall’s teaching (EE VI), and (2) could not               
          have accurately calculated the average sequence length for the              
          isotactic and syndiotactic sequences present in a polyolefin                
          from the unique stereochemical pentad distribution indicated                
          by its C-13 NMR spectra and the totality of information Dolle               
          discloses, especially since Dolle discloses the average                     


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