EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 79

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          and 36-37), that Winter’s formulas (I-IV) would have been both              
          derivable from Randall’s teachings and known to persons                     
          skilled in the art as of the earliest effective filing date of              
          the subject matter claimed in Dolle’s applications.                         
               Nevertheless, Dr. Atwood persists, “[i]t is simply                     
          impossible based on the disclosure found in the party Dolle’s               
          Application Serial No. 147,006 to determine what special                    
          meaning is to be attributed by the phrase ‘a sequence length                
          of 3-50 monomer units’ whether it be applied to an isotactic                
          sequence or to a syndiotactic sequence or to a distribution of              
          meso and racemic dyads as Dr. Winter may be arguing” (RE 16;                
          emphasis added).  We disagree with Dr. Atwood’s assessment of               
          Dolle’s disclosure.                                                         
               Dr. Atwood first reasons that the term “sequence length”               
          or “isotactic sequence” has a different meaning in Kaminsky et              
          al, U.S. Patent 4,841,004 (EE VII), which is assigned to the                
          same assignee as Dolle Application 08/147,006 (RE 16, last                  
          full sentence).  For example, Dr. Atwood points out (RE 17):                
               In the ‘004 patent, a reference to an isotactic sequence               
               of 2 monomer units necessarily means just what it says                 
               since any isotactic sequence must necessarily have at                  
               least 2 monomer units.  Finally, in the various examples,              
               the ‘004 patent makes reference to “an isotactic sequence              
               length of n ....”                                                      


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