EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 82

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          that the average sequence length of the isotactic and                       
          syndiotactic sequences to which Dolle’s claims refer may be                 
          calculated in a manner inconsistent with Randall’s well known               
          teaching that the average sequence length is most accurately                
          calculated using a triad analysis of C-13 NMR pentad                        
          distributions and formulas well known for use in calculating                
          average sequence length based on a triad analysis, especially               
          given Dolle’s reference examples providing pentad distribution              
          data based on C-13 NMR spectra and calculated n  and niso     syn                  
          values with which to verify one’s calculations.                             
               Therefore, contrary to Dr. Atwood’s opinion (RE 16-17),                
          we find that Dolle’s references to “an average length of                    
          isotactic sequences” and “an average length of syndiotactic                 
          sequences” have special meanings and that their special                     
          meanings readily could have been determined from the                        
          disclosure of Dolle Application 08/147,006.  The average                    
          sequence length values (n  and n ) Dolle provides for theiso     syn                                        
          polymers produced by the methods of his examples can only be                
          reproduced employing the accurate triad analysis of Dolle’s                 
          pentad distribution data Randall describes and the formulas                 
          persons skilled in the art, eg. Buschermohle, are known to                  
          have utilized for calculating average sequence lengths based                


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