EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 86

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               We proceed to interpret the meaning of the phrase “used                
          to make a catalyst to produce syndio-isoblock polymers having               
          molecular chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences              
          are present and the sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units”               
          (emphasis added) in Claims 32-35 of Application 08/147,006                  
          (Appendix D).  The phrase “used to make a catalyst” in Dolle’s              
          claims does not appear to limit the claimed metallocenes or                 
          metallocene catalysts any more or less than would the                       
          functional language “useful to make a catalyst” or “for use in              
          making a catalyst” in its stead.  The histories of prosecution              
          of the metallocene compounds claimed in Dolle’s applications                
          and Ewen’s pending and patented applications, and the                       
          arguments made in this interference, indicate that the phrase               
          “used to make a catalyst” has been and is to be interpreted as              
          a functional limitation of the scope of the claimed                         
          metallocene compounds.  For example, compare Claim 1 of Ewen,               
          U.S. Patent 5,036,034, to Claim 1 in Ewen’s pending Reissue                 
          Application 08/489,800.  Whether the claimed metallocene                    
          compounds are “used to make a catalyst,” “useful to make a                  
          catalyst” or available “for use in making a catalyst”, the                  
          scope of metallocene compounds claimed appears to be the same.              
          We do not understand, and neither party to this interference                


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