EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 90

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               or atactic polypropylene, there is no disclosure in Miya               
               et al of metallocene catalysts effective in the                        
               of hemiisotactic polypropylene . . . .                                 
          Ewen continued (Paper No. 29, pp. 6-7):                                     
               [T]he significance of the claim limitations disregarded                
               by the party Dolle in putting forth its motion, become                 
               all the more apparent when one considers the file history              
               of the Ewen ‘034 patent.  The claims in the Ewen                       
               . . . were rejected on the grounds of obviousness type                 
               double patenting in view of claims of [Ewen et al.,] U.S.              
               Patent No. 4,892,851 . . . .  The claim limitations which              

               party Dolle has completely disregarded . . . played a                  
               significant part in securing allowance . . . .8                        
               Ewen previously argued (Paper No. 29, p. 8), and our                   
          interpretation of the functional language of Dolle’s Claim 32               
          in-part is based on, the axiom that “[c]laims are to be read                
          and construed in light of the specification and the                         
          prosecution history . . . .”  ACS Hosp. Sys., Inc. v.                       
          Montefiore Hosp.,                                                           

              8    During prosecution of the subject matter claimed in               
          U.S. 5,036,034, Ewen urged (Paper No. 29, p. 7):                            
                    There is no reference to or suggestion of hemiisotactic           
                    polyolefins . . . in any claim of U.S. Patent No. . . .           

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