EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 96

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          Similarly here, without undue experimentation or effort or                  
          expense, persons having ordinary skill in the art could                     
          readily determine which monomers cannot be used “for the                    
          of a syndio-isoblock polymer having molecular chains in which               
          syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present and the                    
          sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units” and, of course,                   
          nobody will use them to prepare syndio-isoblock polymers                    
          having molecular chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic                 
          sequences are present, and Dolle’s claims do not cover them as              
          a matter of law.  Accord In re Johnson, 558 F.2d 1008, 1016,                
          194 USPQ 187, 194 (CCPA 1977) (“It is clear that those skilled              
          in the art would have no trouble ascertaining whether any                   
          particular polymer falls within the scope of . . . [the                     
               Moreover, Ewen has not shown, contrary to the objective                
          teaching in the specification of Dolle Application 08/147,006               
          at pages 11-12, bridging para., that syndio-isotactic polymers              
          having molecular chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic                 
          sequences are present, cannot be prepared by polymerizing an                
          olefin selected from the group consisting of ethylene,                      
          propylene, and olefins of the formula RCH=CHR’ in which R and               


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