EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 97

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          R’ are identical or different and are an alkyl radical having               
          1 to 14 carbon atoms or R and R’ combine with the carbon atoms              
          joining them together to form a ring, at least in the presence              
          of a comonomer.  Accordingly, we are not persuaded by Ewen’s                
          arguments, based on Dr. Gauthier’s unsupported opinions, that               
          certain processes which Dolle claims are incapable of being                 
          used to prepare a syndio-isoblock polymer having molecular                  
          chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are                    
          present, i.e., are inoperable.                                              
               While we generally agree with Dr. Gauthier’s view that                 
          the terms “syndio-isoblock polymer”, “syndiotactic and                      
          isotactic sequences”, and “sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer               
          units” are classically defined in reference to stereochemical               
          configurations of the monomer units of polypropylene and                    
          alpha-polyolefins relative to the planes of their polymeric                 
          chains, skilled artisans have presumed their applicability to               
          other polyolefins.                                                          
          For example, see Ewen, U.S. 5,036,034 (Appendix F), column 4,               
          lines 50-68.  Ewen states, “Olefins, especially propylene, may              
          be polymerized to form polyolefins in various forms:                        
          isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic” (Ewen, U.S. Patent                     
          5,036,034, col. 1, l. 12-14).  Ewen et al., U.S. 4,892,851 (EE              


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