EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 103

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               Ewen et al., U.S. 4,892,851, describes metallocene                     
          catalysts which are said to be useful for preparing                         
          syndiotactic polyolefins, particularly polypropylenes, and                  
          processes for the preparation of syndiotactic polyolefins                   
          using the metallocene catalysts.  The reference does not                    
          specifically describe a metallocene catalyst which is defined               
          or encompassed by     Claims 4-6, 8, and 12-37 of Dolle                     
          Application 08/147,006.  Moreover, Ewen et al, U.S. 4,892,851               
          would have led persons having ordinary skill in the art to                  
          believe that all the metallocene compounds therein generically              
          described are syndiospecific, i.e., are useful exclusively for              
          preparing polyolefins having syndiotactic stereochemical                    
          See the teaching of Ewen et al., U.S. 4,892,851 (EE I), at                  
          column 13, line 59, to column 14, line 5 (emphasis added):                  
                    It should be further understood that the                          
               syndiospecific catalysts of the present invention are                  
               not limited to the specific structures recited in the                  
               Examples, but rather, include catalysts described by                   
               the general formula given herein in which one Cp ring                  
               is substituted in a substantially different manner so                  
               as to be sterically different.  In the Examples above,                 
               the rings included an unsubstituted Cp ring and a Cp                   
               ring substituted to form a fluorenyl radical, but                      
               similar results are obtainable through the use of other                
               ligands consisting of bridged Cp rings in which one of                 
               the Cp rings is substituted in a substantially different               
               manner from the other Cp ring, e.g., an indenyl radical                
               and a Cp ring, a tetramethyl substituted Cp ring and a                 

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