EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 106

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               the Fischer projection presentation would be                           
               characterized as follows:                                              
               \    \    \    \    \ \ \ \ \    \    \    \    \ (23)                 
               \    \    \    \            \    \    \    \      .                    
               We are not persuaded by the additional structure that                  
          Ewen JACS itself or the combined teachings of Ewen JACS and                 
          Ewen et al., U.S. 4,892,851, reasonably would have suggested                
          an invention encompassed by Claims 4-6, 8, 12-26, and 31-37 of              
          Dolle Application 08/147,006 to persons having ordinary skill               
          in the art.  The Zr and Hf metallocenes with which Ewen JACS                
          appears to have polymerized propylene are not metallocene                   
          compounds of Dolle’s claims.  The cyclopentadienyl and                      
          fluorenyl rings of the metallocenes Ewen JACS employed were                 
          not substituted in at least one “R  through R " ring position3          8                              
          as Dolle requires for the metallocenes he claims.  Next, the                
          Zr metallocene-produced polymer described at page 6256, column              
          1, of Ewen JACS has the microstructure --                                   
          rrrrrmmrrrrrmrrrrrmmrrrrr--.  Third, Ewen JACS explicitly                   
          states (Ewen JACS, p. 6256, col. 1; emphasis added):                        
                    Two percent of the polymer obtained with Hf consists              
               of isotactic blocks.  The ...rrrrrrrrmmmmrrrrrrrr...                   
               stereoblock microstructure or the isotactic/syndiotactic               
               mixtures are attributed to syndiospecific contact ion                  
               pairs and associated neutral, isospecific complexes.                   


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