EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 101

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          isotactic and syndiotactic sequences.  To the extent that                   
          Dolle’s claims might be broadly interpreted to cover                        
          impossibilities, the broad interpretation would be                          
          inconsistent with conventional knowledge in the art and the                 
          teaching in Dolle’s specification as a whole.                               
               We conclude that persons skilled in the art would have                 
          recognized that Dolle’s claims do not cover impossibilities.                
          Syndiotactic and isotactic sequences together with, for                     
          example, ethylene as the olefinic monomer, are to be                        
          interpreted in the context of copolymerization processes.                   
          When polymerizing internal olefinic monomers, syndiotactic and              
          isotactic sequences are defined relative to the asymmetric                  
          carbon atoms in the polymer prepared.  Ewen’s arguments and                 
          Dr. Gauthier’s view that Dolle’s claims read on                             
          impossibilities are unreasonable because they are inconsistent              
          with the common knowledge and good sense of persons skilled in              
          the art.  Persons having ordinary skill in the art are                      
          presumed to think along the line of conventional wisdom.                    
          Standard Oil Co. v. American Cyanamid Co., 774 F.2d 448, 454,               
          227 USPQ 293, 298 (Fed. Cir. 1985).  Ewen’s argument that                   
          persons skilled in the art would have read the words and                    
          phrases of the processes Dolle claims so to read on                         


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