EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 104

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               Cp ring, a dialkyl substituted Cp ring and a monoalkyl                 
               substituted ring, etc.                                                 
               To the contrary, Ewen, U.S. 5,036,034 (Appendix F),                    
          indicates that hemiisotactic polyolefins are produced when                  
          olefins are polymerized using the metallocene catalysts it                  
          describes, irrespective of the polymerization conditions                    
          (Ewen, U.S. 5,036,034, col. 5, l. 65, to col. 6, l. 3).  Dolle              
          Application 08/147,006 likewise suggests that syndio-isoblock               
          polymers are produced when olefins are polymerized using                    
          the metallocene catalysts it describes, regardless of the                   
          polymerization conditions (Dolle Application 08/147,006,                    
          spec., p. 10, l. 32, to p. 11, l. 27).  Based on Ewen’s                     
          in U.S. 5,036,034, the APJ found that “no special                           
          polymerization conditions are necessary to form hemiisotactic               
          polymers” and                                                               
          “any of the conventional means of polymerization will give a                
          hemiisotactic structure” when the metallocenes described in                 
          Ewen, U.S. 5,036,034, catalyze the polymerization of olefins                
          No. 52, p. 11, first full para.).  Dr. Winter’s calculations,               
          which we found to be consistent with the average sequence                   
          length values for isotactic and syndiotactic sequences                      

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