EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 93

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          However, it is our view that no persons skilled in the art                  
          reasonably would have interpreted the processes Dolle claims                
          as being directed to processes for producing a syndio-isoblock              
          polymer by polymerizing ethylene itself.  Accordingly, we                   
          conclude that Dolle’s claims are not directed to processes for              
          the preparation of polyethylene.                                            
               Our interpretation of the language of Dolle’s claims is                
          consistent with the interpretation of the scope of the claimed              
          subject matter in In re Angstadt, 537 F.2d 498, 190 USPQ 214                
          (CCPA 1976).  Angstadt’s claims were directed to an improved                
          “process for the catalytic oxidation of secondary or tertiary               
          alkylaromatic hydrocarbons of the formula . . . in the                      
          presence of air or oxygen at a temperature of from about 80 to              
          150 CO                                                                        
          to form a reaction mixture comprising the corresponding                     
          hydroperoxides . . . wherein the catalyst is of the formula                 
          Mx (HAPA)  . . . wherein the ratio of said catalyst to said                 
            n     m                                                                   
          alkylaromatic hydrocarbon is from about 0.1 to 5.0 parts by                 
          weight of catalyst per 100 parts by weight of alkylaromatic                 

          hydrocarbon.”  In re Angstadt, 537 F.2d at 500, 190 USPQ at                 


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