EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 83

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          on a triad analysis of pentad distribution data.  Persons                   
          skilled in the art would have realized from Dolle’s disclosure              
          that the n  and n  values for the polymers produced by theiso     syn                                                       
          processes of Dolle’s examples, and accordingly, the n  and niso     syn            
          values for all polymers produced by the processes and                       
          catalysts Dolle claims, cannot be calculated from the unique                
          pentad distribution data Dolle and others provide using less                
          accurate analyses and different formulas.                                   
               Dr. Atwood opines that Randall’s equations are based on                
          certain presumptions and that the n  and n  values Dolleiso     syn                              
          reports for Example 8 cannot be verified from the reported                  
          data from Randall’s equations.  We can neither confirm nor                  
          deny     Dr. Atwood’s opinions based on the evidence presented              
          in this interference.  The record shows that (1)                            
          Buschermohle’s formulas were known in the art at the time                   
          Dolle filed his applications (DE 9), (2) Ewen did not deny                  
          Winter’s declaration that Winter’s formulas (I) and (II) are                
          based on, and derived from, the Randall calculations (RD 2-3),              
          and (3) the n  and n  values Dolle reports for Example 8 caniso     syn                                                    
          be verified from the data Dolle discloses using Buschermohle’s              
          formulas for calculating n  and n  which are mereiso     syn                                       
          transformations of Winter’s formulas (I) and (II)(RD 3-4).                  


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