EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 84

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          Thus, it would have been well within the ordinary skill of the              
          artisan to calculate the average sequence length for the                    
          isotactic and syndiotactic sequences of the polypropylenes of               
          Dolle’s Examples 3-12 using Buschermohler’s formulas, verify                
          Dolle’s disclosed results, and then screen other polyolefins                
          for “molecular chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic                   
          sequences are present and the sequence length is 3 to 50                    
          monomer units” by accurate triad analyses of pentad                         
          distributions from C-13 NMR spectra and calculations based on               
          Buschermohler’s prior art formulas.  The preponderance of the               
          evidence presented in this interference indicates that it                   
          would have been well within the ordinary skill in the art to                
          determine the metes and bounds of the subject matter Dolle                  
               Moreover, the evidence indicates that our interpretation               
          of the language of Dolle’s claims is not only consistent with               
          the description of the invention and examples in Dolle                      
          Application 08/147,006 but also consistent with the                         
          description of the invention and examples disclosed in Ewen,                
          U.S. 5,036,034; Ewen                                                        
          et al., U.S. 4,892,851; and Ewen, U.S. 4,522,922, based on                  
          similar calculations using C-13 NMR pentad distribution data                


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