EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 81

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               The claims in Application 08/147,006 are to be read                    
          primarily in light of the specification of Dolle Application                
          08/147,006.  Dolle’s specification (1) defines n  as the                    
          average length of isotactic sequences, (2) defines n  as the                
          average length of syndiotactic sequences, (3) provides                      
          numerical values for n  and n  for polypropylene produced byiso     syn                                           
          the process of each of Examples 3-12, (4) describes a unique                
          stereochemical pentad distribution for polypropylene produced               
          by the process of each of Examples 3-12 from its respective C-              
          13 NMR spectrum, and thus, (5) provides information sufficient              
          to enable one skilled in the art to (a) accurately calculate                
          the average sequence length of the isotactic and syndiotactic               
          sequences of newly synthesized polyolefins based on Randall’s               
          preferred triad analysis of the unique pentad distribution of               
          each polymer from its C-13 NMR spectrum using art-recognized                
          formulas for calculating average sequence length, and (b)                   
          verify the calculations of the average sequence length of the               
          isotactic and syndiotactic sequences by reference to the niso               
          and n  disclosed for the polypropylene of each of Dolle’s                   
          examples.  In short, we find it incongruous that persons                    
          skilled in the art would have understood from Dolle’s                       
          specification, especially including the supporting examples,                


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