EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 61

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          to 50 monomer units” appearing in Dolle’s claims means “the                 
          average length of the sequences of the polymers” (Decision On               
          Ewen Motion For Judgment No. 1 Under 37 C.F.R. §                            
          1.633(a)(Paper 18)(Paper                                                    
          No. 60), p. 9, first para.).  As support for his conclusion,                
          the APJ emphasized the facts that (1) each of Dolle’s examples              
          report a separate average sequence length for isotactic                     
          sequences (n ) and for syndiotactic sequences (n ) for theiso                                syn                        
          polymer produced by its production process; (2) the average                 
          length of the isotactic sequences (n ) and the average length               
          of syndiotactic sequences (n ) Dolle reports for the polymer                
          produced by each exemplified process is, as is each of the                  
          sequence lengths of the polymers defined in Dolle’s claims, in              
          the range of 3 to 50 monomer units; and (3) Winter declares                 
          not only that the meaning of the phrase “sequence length” is                
          well known in the art, but also that “[t]he isotactic sequence              
          length and the syndiotactic sequence length are average values              
          and can be derived by statistical/mathematical calculations”                
          (Dolle Ex. 7, pp. 1-2).  We emphasize that the average length               
          of the isotactic sequences (n ) and the average length of                   
          syndiotactic sequences (n ) which Dolle reports for the                     
          polymers produced by the process of each and every example are              


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