EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 56

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          conventional manner, i.e., (Application 08/147,006, spec., p.               
          10, l. 32, to                                                               
          p. 11, l. 6; emphasis added):                                               
               . . . in a known manner in solution, in suspension or in               
               the gas phase, continuously or batchwise, in one or more               
               steps at a temperature of -60 to 200 C, preferably -30O                                  
                     O                      O                                       
               to 100 C, in particular 0 to 80 C.                                     
               The overall pressure in the polymerization system is 0.5               
               to 100 bar . . . .                                                     
               (7) Dolle’s invention is best understood in light of the               
          syndio-isoblock polypropylene polymers produced in accordance               
          with Examples 3-12 of his specification and their properties,               
          e.g., viscosity number in cm /g (VN); weight-average molecular3                                               
          weight in g/mol (M ); polydispersity determined using gel                   
          permeation chromatography (GPC)(M /M ); and isotacticity index,             
                                           W  n                                       
          determined using C-13 NMR spectroscopy (II)(n  = average                    
          length of isotactic sequences; n  = average length of                       
          syndiotactic sequences)(Application 08/147,006, spec., p. 13,               
          l. 8-16).  Dolle’s specification also discloses the                         
          percentages of each pentad, i.e., mmmm, mmmr, rmmr, mmrr, mmrm              
          + rmrr, mrmr, rrrr, mrrr, and mrrm, observed by analyzing the               
          C-13 NMR spectra of the polymer composition produced by the                 
          process of each of the examples.  The Figure of Dolle                       
          Application 08/147,006 depicts a C-13 NMR spectrum.  Each peak              


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