EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 58

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          present and the sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units” and               
          “polymerization of [ethylene or] propylene or a 1-olefin of                 
          the formula RCH=CHR’ in which R and R’ are identical or                     
          different and are hydrogen or an alkyl radical having 1 to 14               
          carbon atoms or R and R’ combine with the carbon atoms joining              
          them together to form a ring” to produce “syndio-isoblock                   
          polymer[(s)] having molecular chains in which syndiotactic and              
          isotactic sequences are present and the sequence length is 3                
          to 50 monomer units” in Dolle’s claims.  Randall states                     
          (Randall (EE VI), p. 2083, first sentence of the Synopsis),                 
          “Sequence lengths of stereochemical additions in vinyl                      
          polymers [(including copolymers)] are described in terms of                 
          the number average lengths of like configurational                          
          placements.”  Randall’s reference to both polymers and                      
          copolymers is no misnomer.  Randall explains (Randall (EE VI),              
          p. 2083, Introduction, first paragraph, last sentence;                      
          footnotes omitted), “[I]n copolymers, comonomer distributions,              
          expressed as connecting diads and triads, and number average                
          sequence lengths can be determined for runs of each monomer                 
               Winter declares (Declaration of Andreas Winter dated                   


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