EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 50

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          the hemiisotactic polypropylene produced by polymerizing                    
          propylene at 65 C. in Example IV of Ewen, U.S. PatentO                                                            
          5,036,034 (Appendix F), using methylaluminoxane and iPr(3MeCp-              
          1-Flu)ZrCl  in methylene chloride as the catalyst, which                    
          hemiisotactic polypropylene is characterized by the pentad                  
          composition of                                                              
          Table II from its C-13 NMR spectra, with the syndio-isoblock                
          polypropylenes Dolle produced by polymerizing propylene at                  
            O      O      O      O         O                                         
          70 C., 60 C., 50 C., 40 C. and 10 C. in his Examples 8-12                   
          (Dolle Application 08/147,006, spec., pp. 17-20), using                     
          methylaluminoxane and iPr(3MeCp-1-Flu or 2MeCp-1-Flu)ZrCl  in2 4                
          toluene as the catalyst, which also are characterized by                    
          pentad compositions from C-13 NMR spectra presented at the end              
          of each example of Dolle Application 08/147,006.  Ewen states               
          U.S. Patent 5,036,034, col. 9, l. 23-32; emphasis added):                   
                    This invention has taken a known syndiospecific                   
               catalyst precursor with bi-lateral symmetry and added a                
               methyl group on one of the cyclopentadienyl groups to                  
               eliminate the bi-lateral symmetry.  The new catalyst                   

              4    Dolle describes the synthesis of iPr(3MeCp-1-Flu)ZrCl2            
          in Example 2 (Application 08/147,006, spec., p. 8, l. 19-23).               
          Accordingly, Dolle’s reference to iPr(2MeCp-1-Flu)ZrCl  for                 
          Examples 8-12 (Dolle Application 08/147,006, spec., p. 17,                  
          l. 24-26) may be incorrect.  The formulas iPr(3MeCp-1-Flu)ZrCl              
          and iPr(3MeCp-9-Flu)ZrCl  define the same compound.                         

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Last modified: November 3, 2007