Ex parte DURRANI et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 00-0910                                                          
          Application No. 08/821,176                                                  

          patent are both related to and based upon provisional                       
          application No. 60/003,934, filed September 15, 1995.                       

               The sole reference relied upon by the examiner in the                  
          final rejection is:                                                         
          Scharboneau et al. (Scharboneau)   5,692,770           Dec.  2,             
                                            (filing date Oct. 24,                    
               Claims 1-11 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as                 
          being anticipated by Scharboneau.                                           
               Claims 1-11 stand further rejected under the judicially                
          created doctrine of double patenting over the claims of                     
          Scharboneau “since the [appealed] claims, if allowed, would                 
          improperly extend the ‘right to exclude’ already granted in                 
          the patent” (answer, page 3).                                               
               Reference is made to appellants’ main, supplemental and                
          reply briefs (Paper Nos. 11, 17 and 22) and to the examiner’s               
          answer (Paper No. 20) for the respective positions of                       
          appellants and the examiner regarding the merits of these                   
                           The Double Patenting Rejection                             


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