Ex parte DURRANI et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 00-0910                                                          
          Application No. 08/821,176                                                  

          are not commonly assigned, such that “[t]he claims in the                   
          present application could not have been made in the                         
          [Scharboneau] patent.  Thus, it was necessary to claim the                  
          inventions in separate applications” (main brief, page 10).                 
               In the position we take infra in deciding the propriety                
          of the examiner’s double patenting rejection, it is not                     
          necessary for us to decide whether any of the above noted                   
          arguments constitute a sufficient reason why claims                         
          corresponding to the appealed claims could not have been                    
          presented during prosecution of the application that matured                
          into the Scharboneau patent.  Accordingly, we need not address              
          the above noted arguments.                                                  
               The discussion in the MPEP concerning Schneller-type                   
          double patent rejections indicates that rejections of this                  
          type are based on certain “unique circumstances.”  Taking a                 
          closer look at the facts in Schneller, the applicant therein                
          had stated that the preferred and best mode of practicing the               
          invention was a combination of elements the court designated                
          ABCXY, of which the combination ABC was old.  In the patent                 
          that formed the basis for the rejection, the claims were                    


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