Ex parte DURRANI et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 00-0910                                                          
          Application No. 08/821,176                                                  

               We shall take up first for consideration the double                    
          patenting rejection based on the Scharboneau patent.                        
               At the outset, we observe that during examination of the               
          parent application, the PTO made a restriction requirement                  
          requiring applicants therein to elect for prosecution in that               
          case claims directed to either a modular steering wheel and                 
          airbag combination or a method of assembling a steering wheel               
          and airbag.  Applicants elected to prosecute the claims                     
          directed to the modular steering wheel and airbag combination.              
          In that the above noted restriction requirement did not                     
          involve restriction between the various aspects of the modular              
          steering wheel and airbag combination claimed in the                        
          Scharboneau patent and the present application, and in that                 
          the subject matter claimed in the present application is, for               
          the most part, also disclosed in the application that matured               
          into the Scharboneau patent, it appears that, as a broad                    
          proposition, appellants were not prevented by the restriction               
          requirement made in the parent application from claiming the                


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