PARINS et al. V. SLATER - Page 27

          Interference No. 104,190                                                    

          application Serial No. 08/369,379 with its January 6, 1995                  
          date.  Thus, the record shows a period of inactivity of a                   
          little over 36 months.  Under applicable precedent, this time               
          period is sufficient to trigger the inference of abandonment,               
          or concealment.  Accordingly, we hold that the burden has                   
          shifted to the junior party to rebut the inference with                     
          appropriate evidence.                                                       
                    An inference of suppression or concealment may be                 
          overcome with evidence that the reason for the delay was to                 
          perfect the invention.  Lutzker v. Plet, 843 F.2d 1364, 1367,               
          6 USPQ2d 1370, 1372 (Fed. Cir. 1988)(citing Dewey v.                        
          Lawton,   347 F.2d 629, 632, 146 USPQ 187, 189-90 (CCPA                     
          1965)), which permitted "testing and refinement" of the                     
          invention for more than one year after reduction to practice;               
          and Schnick v. Fenn, 227 F.2d 935, 941-42, 125 USPQ 567,                    
          573-74 (CCPA 1960), which per-mitted a delay of about eleven                
          months after reduction to practice while "continuing 'the                   
          development of the best design'" in further perfecting the                  


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