PARINS et al. V. SLATER - Page 31

          Interference No. 104,190                                                    

                    The junior party briefs also raise an argument based              
          on the concession of priority by the senior party in another                
          interference between the parties of interest in this                        
          interference.  The interference was Interference No. 103,765                
          between Rydell and senior party Slater.  It is axiomatic that               
          the sub-ject matter of the other interference is patentably                 
          distinct  from the subject matter at issue in this final                    
          decision.  Thus, any decision in the other interference                     
          respecting priority lacks common subject matter and common                  
          parties.  In our view, it is simply immaterial to the subject               
          matter at issue in this   interference.                                     
                    Furthermore, in the junior party’s main brief, there              
          is not even an explanation or theory of why the concession                  
          raises the issue of estoppel.  We are presented with merely                 
          the charge that the senior party is estopped to argue                       
          abandonment, suppression or concealment.  We consider this                  
          estoppel argument part of the junior party’s case in chief.                 
          See 37 CFR § 1.656(b)(6).  Failure to provide a theory or                   
          explanation disadvantages a  senior party that can only guess               
          as to what argument to respond to.  Accordingly, we hold that               
          the junior party is barred on procedural grounds from raising               

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