PARINS et al. V. SLATER - Page 35

          Interference No. 104,190                                                    

                    As noted above, we have determined that the                       
          invention developed and tested by Rydell at Everest in                      
          December 1991 was not within the scope of the count and was                 
          not reduced to practice due to failed testing.  If the                      
          invention were to have been reduced to practice and within the              
          scope of the count it was abandoned, suppressed or concealed.               
          The Parins motion under    37 CFR § 1.634 has been denied.                  
          Consequently, the junior party                                              
          has not antedated the senior party’s effective filing date.                 
          It is unnecessary for us to consider any priority evidence on               
          the part of the senior party.  We will enter judgment,                      
          hereinbelow, in favor of senior party Slater.                               

                    Judgment in Interference No. 104,190 is entered in                
          favor of Charles R. Slater, the senior party.  Charles R.                   

          is entitled to a patent containing claims 40-54, which claims               
          correspond to the count in interference.  Judgment is entered               
          against David J. Parins and Richard K. Poppe, the junior                    

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Last modified: November 3, 2007