PARINS et al. V. SLATER - Page 30

          Interference No. 104,190                                                    

                    As noted above, it is our determination that the                  
          December, 1991 work by Rydell was not a reduction to practice               
          of the subject matter of the interference.  Additionally, we                
          have determined that if the work by Rydell can be considered                
          to have been a reduction to practice, the junior party has not              
          provided evidence to rebut the inference of abandonment,                    
          suppression or concealment raised by the substantial time                   
          period between the reduction to practice and the filing of the              
          benefit application.                                                        
                    The Parins reply brief has a section discussing                   
          supposed public policy principles and equity.  It must be                   
          noted that Slater as senior party does not have any burden of               
          proof, at least until Parins can overcome Slater’s effective                
          filing date.  Unless Parins can overcome the effective filing               
          date, any                                                                   
          action or inaction by Slater is simply immaterial.  Slater has              
          nothing to prove.                                                           

          Estoppel Argument                                                           

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Last modified: November 3, 2007