Ex parte HEGLUND - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1999-1941                                                        
          Application No. 08/629,700                                                  

          438 (Fed. Cir. 1986).  We also note that the arguments not made             
          separately for any individual claim or claims are considered                
          waived.  See 37 CFR § 1.192(a) and (c).  In re Baxter Travenol              
          Labs., 952 F.2d 388, 391, 21 USPQ2d 1281, 1285 (Fed. Cir. 1991)             
          (“It is not the function of that court to examine the claims in             
          greater detail than argued by an appellant, looking for                     
          nonobviousness distinctions over the prior art.”); In re                    
          Wiechert, 370 F.2d 927, 936, 152 USPQ 247, 254 (CCPA 1967)(“This            
          court has uniformly followed the sound rule that an issue raised            
          below which is not argued in that court, even if it has been                
          properly brought here by reason of appeal is regarded as                    
          abandoned and will not be considered.  It is our function as a              
          court to decide disputed issues, not to create them.”).                     

               At the outset, we note that Appellant elects to have all               
          the claims stand or fall together, see brief at page 3.                     
               We consider independent claim 1 first.  On page 4 of the               
          Examiner's answer, the Examiner asserts that "Lyons et al '244              
          states that the system of control is that of well known systems             
          including MacMinn et al. '240 which illustrates a four quadrant             

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