FLANDERS et al v. MOORMAN et al - Page 28

          Interference No. 103,891                                                    

          The interference is being redeclared in a separate paper.                   
          Judgment in Interference No. 103,891 is entered in favor of                 
          Richard T. Flanders and Vincent A. Varitek, the junior party.               
          Richard T. Flanders and Vincent A. Varitek are entitled to their            
          application claims 1-13, which claims correspond to the count               
          in interference. Judgment is entered against David R. Moorman,              
          David J. Ledden, David D. Webster, and Brian Heald, the senior              
          party.  David R. Moorman, David J. Ledden, David D. Webster, and            
          Brian Heald, are not entitled to their patent claims 1-30, which            
          claims correspond to the count in interference.                             

                         IAN A. CALVERT               )                               
                         Administrative Patent Judge  )                               
                                                       )   BOARD OF PATENT            
                         WILLIAM F. PATE, III         )     APPEALS AND               
                         Administrative Patent Judge  )    INTERFERENCES              
                         ADRIENE LEPIANE HANLON       )                               
                         Administrative Patent Judge  )                               



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