Ex Parte HAYASHI et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2000-1846                                                        
          Application No. 08/709,879                                                  

          the degree of protection sought by the appealed claims.  In re              
          Grasselli, 713 F.2d 731, 743, 218 USPQ 769, 778 (Fed. Cir. 1983).           
          As pointed out by the examiner, the compositions of the                     
          declaration representative of appellants’ invention are limited             
          to a specific compound for claimed components (b), i.e., a                  
          triphenylsulfonium triflate, and a specific substituted imidazole           
          for claimed component (c), as well as a specific phenol whereas             
          the appealed claims broadly recite any phenol.  While appellants            
          respond to the examiner’s criticism by noting that the polymer of           
          the declaration is within the scope of claimed components (a),              
          appellants do not address the breadth of claimed components (b),            
          (c) and (d), other than to offer the conclusory remark that the             
          substituted imidazole compound of the declaration is fully                  
          representative of claimed component (c) and that the specific               
          phenol compound of the declaration is fully representative of               
          component (d)(see page 8 of principal brief, second paragraph).             
          Manifestly, that each of the compositional components of the                
          declaration fall within the scope of claimed components (a), (b),           
          (c) and (d) does not establish that the declaration results may             
          be reasonably extrapolated to the myriad of compositions within             


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