Ex Parte ZACHARIAS - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2001-0220                                                        
          Application No. 09/244,044                                                  

          not on the appellant to investigate the practical art and provide           
          information thereon to the PTO" (page 12 of principal brief,                
          first paragraph).  However, appellant must advance more than a              
          mere bald challenge, and nothing more, of the validity of the               
          examiner's finding.  In re Boon, 439 F.2d 724, 728, 169 USPQ 231,           
          234, (CCPA 1971).  As stated by the court in Boon, "[w]e feel it            
          to be perfectly consistent with the principles governing                    
          procedural due process to require that a challenge to judicial              
          notice by the board contain adequate information or argument so             
          that on its face it creates a reasonable doubt regarding the                
          circumstances justifying the judicial notice."  Boon, 439 F.2d at           
          728, 169 USPQ at 234.  In the present case, appellant has failed            
          to present any argument which casts such a reasonable doubt on              
          the examiner's finding.  Accordingly, we will sustain the                   
          examiner's rejection under § 103 of claim 32.  See also In re               
          Fox, 471 F.2d 1405, 176 USPQ 340 (CCPA 1973).                               
               We will also sustain the examiner's § 102 rejection over               
          Schmidt of claims 14 and 25-29 which are directed to a kit                  
          comprising an impact pad and a dam having at least one hole                 
          therein.1  In our view, the kit claims, comprising only the                 

               1 Appellant states at page 4 of the principal brief that               
          claims 14 and 29 stand or fall together, as do claims 25, 27                
          and 28.                                                                     

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