Ex Parte MARTIN - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2001-0940                                                                Page 3                
              Application No. 08/467,712                                                                                
              photon having a given wavelength.  Specification, page 9.  This process regenerates                       
              the original form of the electrochemiluminescent label, which cycles repetitively through                 
              the reaction sequence, emitting multiple photons during each measurement period.                          
              Specification, page 10.  The intensity of the observed luminescence is proportional to                    
              the concentration of the analyte.  Id., page 11.                                                          
                     According to the examiner, “Nacamulli [teaches] methods for determining the                        
              concentration of an enzyme substrate in a specimen by contacting said specimen with                       
              an oxidoreductase . . . plus the cofactor NAD and an [electrochemiluminescent]                            
              substance Ru(bpy)32+ then measuring the change in the chemiluminescent signal                             
              produced by the reduction of the Ru(bpy)32+ by the NADH generated from the reaction                       
              between the substrate and the enzyme.  The rate of signal generation is measure[d]                        
              simultaneously with the addition of the reagents” and “Ru(bpy)32+ is recycled with                        
              voltage pulses.”  Paper No. 4, page 5.1  We note, however, that the examiner’s                            
              characterization of the reference is factually inaccurate - Nacamulli does not measure                    
              substrate concentration, rather, the rate of the enzymatic reaction is measured using                     
              known initial concentrations of all the reactants.  In addition, we note that the                         
              electrochemiluminescent reaction is “slowed down . . . by using narrow voltage pulses,”                   
              apparently to “provide for better conditions for rate measurements.”  Nacamulli, column                   
              5, lines 5-23 and column 6.  In any case, the examiner concedes that Nacamulli does                       
              not describe “a ternary complex,” i.e., the modified oxidoreductase biosensor required                    
              by the claims, and relies on Yomo to make up this difference.  Paper No. 4, page 5.                       

                     1 The Answer refers to Paper No. 9 (final rejection mailed December 22, 1997)                      
              for the statement of the rejection.  Paper No. 9, in turn, refers to Paper No. 4 (non-final               
              office action, mailed March 7, 1997).                                                                     

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