Ex Parte GRIFANTINI et al - Page 2

                 Appeal No.2001-2506                                                          Page 2                   
                 Application No.  08/415,658                                                                           

                        13.        Plasmid pSM651 deposited at the Bureau Voor                                         
                                   Schimmelcultures, SK Baarn (Holland) where it has received                          
                                   the deposit number CBS 203.94.                                                      
                        14.        A microorganism selected from Bacillus subtilis and                                 
                                   Escherichia coli transformed with the plasmid pSM651.                               

                        The examiner relies upon the following references:                                             
                 Olivieri et al. (Olivieri)         4,312,948                  Jan. 26, 1982                          
                 Neal et al. (Neal)                WO 94/00577                 Jan.   6, 1994                         
                 European Patent Application                                                                           
                 Nanba et al. (Nanba)               0 515 698                  Dec. 12, 1992                          
                        The claims stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).  After careful review                      
                 of the record and consideration of the issues before us, we reverse.                                  
                        The clams are drawn to a method of producing D-I-amino acids through                           
                 the stereospecific conversion of 5-substituted hydantoins.  The conversion is                         
                 achieved through the use of a microorganism that has been transformed with a                          
                 plasmid capable of expressing D-hydantoinase and D-N-carbamoylase enzymes                             
                 without the introduction of an inducer.  See Specification, page 1.  The plasmid                      
                 required by the claims is the pSM651 plasmid, which has been deposited at the                         
                 Bureau Voor Schimmelcultures, SK Baarn (Holland), and has a deposit number                            
                 of CBS 203.94.  See id. page 16.                                                                      
                        Claims 1 and 4-15 stand rejected as obvious over the combination of Neal                       
                 and Nanda.  Claims 2 and 3 stand rejected over the combination of Neal and                            
                 Nanda, further in view of Olivieri.                                                                   

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