Ex Parte GRIFANTINI et al - Page 4

                 Appeal No.2001-2506                                                          Page 4                   
                 Application No.  08/415,658                                                                           

                 Olivieri is cited for teaching the isolation and immobilization of an Agrobacterium                   
                 enzyme system on a solid support for use in the conversion of D,L-5-substituted                       
                 hydantoins to the corresponding D-amino acids.                                                        
                        Appellants argue in response to the rejection that although Neal discloses                     
                 a “wish” to use non-inducible promoters, Neal does not enable their use, and that                     
                 Neal in fact teaches away from non-inducible promoters because all of the                             
                 disclosed data pertains to the use of inducible promoters.  See Appeal Brief,                         
                 page 4.  In addition, appellants argue there is nothing in the references that                        
                 “suggests the particular deposited plasmid of the present invention, or a specific                    
                 deposited microorganism transformed with such, or a process using such.”  Id. at                      
                        We agree with appellants that there is nothing in the prior art of record                      
                 that teaches or suggests the particular deposited plasmid as required by the                          
                 claims that are the subject of this appeal, i.e., the pSM651 plasmid, having the                      
                 deposit number CBS 203.94.  While, as stated by the rejection set forth by the                        
                 answer, the prior art may teach or suggest a plasmid containing genes for both                        
                 the hydantoinase and carbamoylase activities under the control of a non-                              
                 inducible promoter, the prior art does not teach or suggest a plasmid having the                      
                 nucleotide sequence of the plasmid required by the products of claims 13, 14                          
                 and 15—the pSM651 plasmid.  See, e.g., In re Deuel, 51 F.3d 1552, 1558-59, 34                         
                 USPQ2d 1210, 1215 (Fed. Cir. 1995); In re Bell, 991 F.2d 781, 783-84, 26                              
                 USPQ2d 1529, 1532 (Fed. Cir. 1993).  Because a plasmid having the nucleotide                          
                 sequence of the pSM651 plasmid is not taught or suggested by the prior art, the                       

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