Ex Parte MURG - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2002-1888                                                        
          Application No. 09/185,493                                                  

          complete statement of appellant’s argument can be found in the              
          revised brief (Paper No. 24).                                               


               In reaching our conclusion on the issues raised in this                
          appeal, this panel of the board has carefully considered                    
          appellant’s specification and claims,1 the applied prior art                
          document, and the respective viewpoints of appellant and the                
          examiner.  As a consequence of our review, we make the                      
          determinations which follow.                                                

                              The indefiniteness issue                                

               We do not sustain the rejection of claims 6, 9, 11, 13                 
          through 15, and 19 through 21 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second                 
          paragraph, as being indefinite.                                             

               1 For consistency, the word --tool-- should be inserted                
          after “cutter” in claim 19, lines 3 and 15.                                 

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