Ex Parte MURG - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2002-1888                                                        
          Application No. 09/185,493                                                  

               Claims are considered to be definite, as required by the               
          second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112, when they define the metes             
          and bounds of a claimed invention with a reasonable degree of               
          precision and particularity.  See In re Venezia, 530 F.2d 956,              
          958 189 USPQ 149, 151 (CCPA 1976).                                          

               The examiner is of the view that claim 19 is indefinite due            
          to inconsistent recitations therein.  In particular, the examiner           
          points out that, inconsistent with the claim preamble which                 
          addresses a “plier type cutter tool” for sheathed cable, the body           
          of the claim positively requires structure of the cable (answer,            
          page 3).  We fully appreciate the examiner’s position, but                  
          disagree therewith for the reasons articulated below.                       

               As we see it, the references in claim 19 to cable structure            
          are fairly considered and understood to relate to the indicated             
          intended use of the tool as an assist in defining specified                 
          portions of the tool that coact with the cable during the                   
          intended use.  Thus, claim 19 is not indefinite.                            


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