WALD et al. V. CARLSON - Page 1

                         The opinion in support of the decision being               
                      entered today is not binding precedent of the Board.          
                                                           Paper No. 68             
          Filed by: Merits Panel                                                    
                  Interference Trial Section                                        
                  Box Interference                                                  
                  Washington, D.C. 20231                                            
                  Tel: 703-308-9797                                                 
                  Fax: 703-305-0942                                                 
                      UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                     

                         BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                         
                                  AND INTERFERENCES                                 

                                   ROBIN CARLSON, FAXED                             

                                    Junior Party, APR 1 7 2002                      
                              (Application 08/846,216)',                            
                                         V. PAT. & TM. OFFICE                       
                                                             BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS
                              KEVIN WALD, ROBIN CARLSON ANDINTERFERENCOS            
                                  and RICHARD MOEN,                                 
                                    Senior Party,                                   
                                 (Patent 5,794,852 )2.                              

                           Patent Interference No. 104,318                          

          Before SCHAFER, LEE and MEDLEY, Administrative Patent Judges.             
          LEE, Administrative Patent Judge.                                         
               The common assignee Case Corporation having filed, on                
          April 15, 2002, an election in favor of the senior party's                

                  Filed April 28, 199V. Accorded the benefit of                     
          Application 08/555,638, filed November 8, 1995, now Patent No.            
          5,794,852. The real party in interest is Case Corporation.                
               2 Based on Application 08/555,638, filed November 8, 1995.           
          The real party in interest is Case Corporation.                           

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Last modified: November 3, 2007