WALD et al. V. CARLSON - Page 3


        Interference No. 104,318                                                    
        Carlson v. Wald                                                             
        proceeding may render the agreement and any resulting patents               
        unenforceable. See 35 U.S.C. § 135(c) and 37 CFR § 1.661.                   

                                   , rc-ż                                           
                       Richard E. Schafer                                           
                       Administrative Pat94 Judge)                                  

                                                     OARD OF PATENT                 
                          eson Lee AND                                              
                          in istrative Patent Judge) INTERFERENCES                  

                       Sally C.jmużrdley                                            
                       Administrative Patent Tdge))                                 


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Last modified: November 3, 2007