ZHOU et al. V. KEAGY et al. - Page 42

                                                                                   Interference No. 104,649           
                                                                                               Page No. 39            
             insufficient as written description, for purposes of establishing priority of invention, to provide a    
             specification that does not unambiguously describe all limitations of the count." Id.                    
                     Zhou's arguments in support of Zhou Preliminary Motion 3 and Keagy's opposition are              
             predominantly the same as those presented above with respect to Zhou Preliminary Motion 2,               
             which requests judgment that Keagy's corresponding claims lack written description and/or are            
             indefinite. Based on the facts presented to us we have determined that Keagy's corresponding             
             claims are supported by Keagy's '744 specification. In particular, Keagy claim I is identical to         
             Count I and is supported by the '744 specification. As recognized by Zhou, "the disclosure of            
             the '744 application is identical to that of the '418 parent application, and also to that of the '098   
             grandparent application." (Paper No. 26, p. 2, 12). Zhou has not sufficiently explained why we           
             should determine that Keagy describes all the elements and limitation of Count I in the involved         
             '744 application but not in the "identical" '418 and '098 disclosures. As the '744 specification         
             contains an "identical" disclosure to that of the '418 application and the '098 application, it          
             appears that the '418 application and '098 application also support Keagy claim 1, which is              
             identical to Count 1.                                                                                    
                     Zhou, as the moving party, bears the burden of proof with respect to Zhou Preliminary            
             Motion 3. Zhou has failed to meet this burden. Zhou Preliminary Motion 3 is denied.                      

                     E. Zhou Preliminary Motion 4 to Designate Zhou Claims 14-17 and 28 as Not                        
                            Corresponding to Count I                                                                  
                     Zhou Preliminary Motion 4 requests that the interfering subject matter be redefined by           
             designating Zhou claims 14-17 and 28 as not corresponding to Count 1. (Zhou Preliminary                  

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