ZHOU et al. V. KEAGY et al. - Page 48

                                                                                   Interference No. 104,649             
                                                                                               Page No. 45              
                     (7) The reasons in support of my opinion include the fact that none of these                       
                             references describe or even remotely suggest the use of first and second                   
                             sheet prisms stacked substantially in parallel. To my knowledge, such a                    
                             structure had not existed prior to the Zhou invention. Additionally, there is              
                             nothing in these references that would have motivated a skilled                            
                             practitioner to modify the sensing system defined by Zhou's claim I or 10                  
                             to add a second sheet prism in parallel to the first prism, As I explained                 
                             above, the conventional use of a BEF film at the time, and the use                         
                             described in Exhibits 1003 and 1004, is to enhance brightness by taking a                  
                             large range of angles and folding them into a smaller range. To add a                      
                             second BEF sheet prism to the system of claims I or 10 would not have                      
                             been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the optical imaging field                    
                             because the invention of claim I I uses the BEF film for a purpose other                   
                             than enhancing brightness; namely, to redirect a small angular cone of                     
                             light in another direction. In my opinion, a skilled person working in the                 
                             field at the time of the Zhou invention would have lacked motivation to                    
                             use a BEF film in such an unconventional manner. To state it differently,                  
                             at the time of the Zhou invention, in my opinion it would not have been                    
                             obvious to a person of ordinary skill to take a device that was                            
                             conventionally used to increase the efficiency of backlighting in displays                 
                             and utilize it as a second sheet prism to correct for trapezoidal distortion.              
              (Zhou's Second Declaration of Prof Mark A. Neifeld, ZX 2015, % 6-7). Zhou concludes that                  
              the prior art at the time of Zhou's invention would not have suggested the addition of a second           
              prism sheet, which was normally used for increasing the efficiency of backlighting in displays,           
              and utilize it as a second sheet in the fingerprint sensing system of Zhou claim 10.                      
                     Keagy has demonstrated that the problem of trapezoidal distortion in fingerprint systems           
              was well known in the art at the time of Zhou's invention. Yet, Keagy has not sufficiently                
              demonstrated that-one skilled in the art would have looked towards the use of a brightness                
              enhancement film to correct such a problem. Specifically, on the facts presented, Keagy has               
              failed to demonstrate that the prior art would have taught or suggested the addition of a second          
              prism sheet stacked in substantial parallel with Zhou's prism sheet of Zhou claim 10. Lacking a           

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