ZHOU et al. V. KEAGY et al. - Page 41

                                                                                   Interference No. 104,649           
                                                                                               Page No. 38            
             furtherance of the '098 claims are limiting for the claims now sought. Moreover, even if Zhou            
             were correct that the comments in the '098 application were erroneous in describing the reflected        
             light as refracted, it would appear that the claims of the '098 application would lack written           

             description rather than the presently claimed invention. 4                                               
                     Zhou Preliminary Motion 2 seeking judgment that Keagy's corresponding claims lack                
             sufficient written description and/or are indefinite is denied.                                          

                     D. Zhou Preliminary Motion 3 to Deny Priority Benefit of Earlier Keagy                           
                     Zhou Preliminary Motion 3 requests judgment that Keagy be denied priority benefit of             
             Keagy's earlier filed '418 and '098 applications. (Zhou Preliminary Motion 3, Paper No. 26, p.           
             1). Generally, Zhou alleges that the '418 and '098 applications fail to constitute a constructive        
             reduction to practice of the count. (Paper No. 26, p. 4).'                                               
                     For Keagy to have benefit of its earlier filing dates, Keagy's earlier applications must         
             constitute a constructive reduction to practice of the subject matter of the count. Credle v. Bond,      
             25 F.3d 1566, 1570, 30 USPQ2d 1911, 1914 (Fed. Cir. 1994). For an earlier-filed application to           
             serve as constructive reduction to practice, "the applicant must describe the subject matter of the      
             count in terms that establish that he was in possession of the later-claimed invention, including        
             all of the elements and limitations presented in the count, at the time of the earlier filing." Hyatt    
             v. Boone, 146 F.3d 1348, 1353-54, 47 USPQ2d 1128, 1131 (Fed. Cir. 1998). Moreover, "it is                

                     'Zhou Preliminary Motion 3 also requests that Keagy's corresponding claims be held               
             indefinite. (Paper No. 26, pages 12-15). Zhou's arguments regarding indefiniteness have been             
             addressed with respect to Zhou Preliminary Motion 2.                                                     

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