Ex Parte BIAN - Page 2

              Appeal No. 1999-1679                                                                       2               
              Application No. 08/851,742                                                                                 

              required that the initial preparation of the polymerization catalyst be in the absence of an               
              electron donor.  Subsequent to the first step of catalytic preparation an electron donor is                
              utilized provided that electron donors which are alcohols, phenols, silanes and polysiloxanes              
              are excluded from among those utilized in the preparation of said polymerization catalysts.                
              Additional limitations are described in the following illustrative claim.                                  
                                                     THE CLAIM                                                           

              Claim 1 is illustrative of appellant’s invention and is reproduced below:                                  
                            1.  A process for the manufacture of ethylene homopolymers and                               
                     copolymers containing at least 90 mol% of ethylene, according to which ethylene in                  
                     a polymerization medium is placed in contact with a catalytic system comprising:                    
                            a)     a solid catalytic complex based on magnesium, on transition metal and                 
                                   on halogen, the said catalytic complex being prepared by reacting, in                 
                                   a first step, in the absence of an electron donor, at least one                       
                                   magnesium compound chosen from oxygen-containing organic                              
                                   magnesium compounds and halogen-containing magnesium                                  
                                   compounds with at least one compound of a transition metal from                       
                                   group IVB or VB of the Periodic Table chosen from oxygen-                             
                                   containing organic compounds and halogen-containing compounds of                      
                                   a transition metal, until a liquid complex is obtained, and, in a                     
                                   subsequent step, by precipitating the said liquid complex using a                     
                                   halogen-containing organoaluminum compound of general formula                         
                                   A1RnX3-n in which R is a hydrocarbon radical, X is a halogen and n is                 
                                   less than 3, in order to collect a solid catalytic complex,                           
                            b)     an organometallic compound of a metal from groups IA, IIA, IIB,                       
                                   IIIA and IVA of the Periodic Table, and                                               
                            c)      at least one electron donor selected from the group consisting of                    
                                   organic compounds containing at least one atom or at least one group                  
                                   of atoms having at least one pair of free electrons, with the exception               
                                   of alcohols, phenols, silanes, and polysiloxanes, said at least one                   

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Last modified: November 3, 2007