Ex Parte BIAN - Page 4

              Appeal No. 1999-1679                                                                       4               
              Application No. 08/851,742                                                                                 

                                           THE REFERENCES OF RECORD                                                      
              As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies upon the following references:                             
              Zucchini et al. (Zucchini)                               4,305,840                      Dec. 15, 1981      
              Cowan et al. (Cowan)                                   4,588,703                      May 13, 1986         
              Collomb-Ceccarini et al. (Collomb-Ceccarini)   4,921,920                       May  1, 1990                
              Job                                                             5,122,494                      Jun. 16, 1992
              Cuffiana et al. (Cuffiana)                                5,278,118                      Jan. 11, 1994     
              Scata et al. (Scata)                                        1 539 175                      Jan. 31, 1979   
              (published Great Britain Patent Application)                                                               
                                                  THE REJECTIONS                                                         
              Claims 1, 3, 5 through 18, 20, 22 and 23 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                                    
              § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Scata in view of Job.                                                  
              Claims 1 through 8, 10 through 20, 22 and 23 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                                
              § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Cuffiana in view of Zucchini, Cowan and Collomb-                       

              We have carefully considered all of the arguments advanced by the appellant and                            
              the examiner, and agree with the appellant that the rejections of each of the claims are not               
              well founded.  Accordingly, we reverse these rejections.                                                   
                                         The Rejection Under Section 103(a)                                              

                "[T]he examiner bears the initial burden, on review of the prior art or on any                           
              other ground, of presenting a prima facie case of unpatentability."  See In re Oetiker, 977                

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