Ex Parte BIAN - Page 6

              Appeal No. 1999-1679                                                                       6               
              Application No. 08/851,742                                                                                 

              alpha-olefins, particularly propylene and ethylene.  See column 1, lines 11-12.  We find                   
              however, that the olefin polymerization catalyst is prepared by contacting the solid reaction              
              product of a magnesium alkoxide, a titanium tetraalkoxide and a phenolic compound.  See                    
              column 2, lines 65-66 column 3,lines 14-19, 34-37, 59-61, column 4, lines 8-10, 21-                        
              23 and 30-33.  We conclude therefrom that a phenolic compound is required in the                           
              formation of the polymerization catalyst, which phenolic compound is precluded from the                    
              claimed subject matter.  Accordingly, it would have been improper for the person of                        
              ordinary skill in the art to have combined the teachings of Job with Scata to suggest to one               
              of ordinary skill in the art to homopolymerize ethylene or copolymerize at least 90 mol. %                 
              ethylene using the disclosure of Scata, when the claimed subject matter precludes both the                 
              presence of any electron donor in the initial formation of the catalyst and the presence of a              
              phenol at any step of the preparation of a catalyst.                                                       
              Based upon the above findings and analysis, we conclude that the examiner has                              
              failed to establish a prima facie case of obviousness.  In re Dembiczak, 175 F.3d 994,                     
              999, 50 USPQ2d 1614, 1617 (Fed. Cir. 1999) ("[T]he best defense against the subtle                         
              but powerful attraction of a hindsight-based obviousness analysis is rigorous application of               
              the requirement for a showing of the teaching or motivation to combine prior art                           
                    The Rejection Over Cuffiana in view of Zucchini, Cowan and Collomb-Ceccarini                         
              The reference to Cuffiana is directed to a catalytic system capable of producing                           

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