Ex Parte TRIKA et al - Page 2

               Appeal No. 2000-2138                                                                                                    
               Application No. 08/935,314                                                                                              

                       1.  A method of generating a stereoscopic sequence of frames, each frame in the sequence                        
               having a left image and a right image, wherein for at least one frame in the sequence, one of the left                  
               image and the right image is an approximation of the other, the method comprising the steps of:                         
                       identifying any pixels not filled in the approximation image; and                                               
                       assigning, to any pixel not filled in the approximation image, the data values of a                             
               corresponding pixel in an image from a preceding frame.                                                                 
                       The references relied on by the examiner are:                                                                   
               deBoer et al. (deBoer)                          4,591,898                               May 27, 1986                    
               Love (Love), “Nonholographic, Autostereoscopic, Nonplanar Display of Computer Generated                                 
               Images,” Graduate Thesis, Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, 1990,                        
               pages 99 through 108.                                                                                                   
                       Claims 1 through 15 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over                          
               Love in view of deBoer.                                                                                                 
                       Reference is made to the revised brief (paper number 15), the answer (paper number 16) and                      
               the reply brief (paper number 17) for the respective positions of the appellants and the examiner.                      
                       According to the examiner (answer, page 4), “Love discloses at pages 107-108 a method of                        
               generating a stereoscopic sequence of image frames wherein for at least one frame, one of the left or                   
               right images is an approximation of the other (“interpolated” by shifting pixels as a function of z),”                  
               and that “gaps may result in the approximated image (page 107).”  Appellants and the examiner all                       
               agree (revised brief, page 5; answer, page 4) that Love does not disclose filling gaps with “data                       
               values of a corresponding pixel in an image from a preceding frame.”  For such a teaching, the                          
               examiner directs our attention to the teachings found at column 2, lines 3 through 8 of deBoer                          

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