Ex Parte TRIKA et al - Page 3

               Appeal No. 2000-2138                                                                                                    
               Application No. 08/935,314                                                                                              

               (answer, page 4).  deBoer teaches that “[i]t is known to detect such a drop-out and to insert a                         
               corresponding part of a preceding line or a corresponding line of a preceding field at this location.”                  
                       The examiner’s contentions to the contrary notwithstanding, a field is merely part of a frame.                  
               Thus, we agree with the appellants’ argument (reply brief, page 3) that:                                                
                               The deBoer reference only discloses inserting, into the current frame, part of a                        
                       preceding line or a line of a preceding field of the current frame.  There is no                                
                       suggestion in deBoer to insert some or all of a preceding frame into the current                                
                       In summary, the obviousness rejection of claims 1 through 15 is reversed because the                            
               applied references neither teach nor would they have suggested to one of ordinary skill in the art the                  
               claimed invention.                                                                                                      



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Last modified: November 3, 2007