Ex Parte HARTMAN et al - Page 3

            Appeal No. 2001-2241                                                                              
            Application No. 08/928,555                                                                        

                   Claims 1-5 and 10-14 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being clearly              
            anticipated by Microsoft.                                                                         
                   Claims 1-5 and 10-14 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being                      
            anticipated by Wright1.  We note that Wright does not qualify as prior art under                  
            35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as indicated by the examiner, but does qualify under 35 U.S.C.                 
            § 102(a) and (e) as indicated in paper number 8.                                                  
                   Claims 6-9 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                 
            Microsoft in view of Bertram.                                                                     
                   Claims 6-9 and 15-38 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                         
            unpatentable over Wright in view of Bertram.2                                                     
                   Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and              
            appellants regarding the above-noted rejections, we make reference to the examiner's              
            answer (Paper No. 18, mailed Jan. 5, 2001) for the examiner's reasoning in support of             
            the rejections, and to appellants’ brief (Paper No. 17, filed Nov. 8, 2000) and reply brief       
            (Paper No. 19, filed Mar. 2, 2001) for the appellants’ arguments thereagainst.                    

                   1  We note that appellants refer to Wright throughout the brief, but list the wrong patent number
            throughout the brief.  Appellants clarified that Wright ‘029 was the correct patent number.  (See 
            supplemental brief filed Dec. 9, 2002.)                                                           
                   2  We note that claims 15-38 were not filed at the time of the statement of the rejection in paper
            number 8 and no statement of the rejection is present therein, but since appellants have not disputed the
            formal statement of the text of the rejection, we will consider the statement of the rejection as addressing
            all the claims 15-38.                                                                             

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