Ex Parte HARTMAN et al - Page 6

            Appeal No. 2001-2241                                                                              
            Application No. 08/928,555                                                                        

            window and the resulting button collapses it.  (See answer at page 4.)  While we agree            
            with the examiner concerning Windows applications generally, the features are not                 
            specifically evidenced at page 54 and 55 of Microsoft.  It is unclear from the limited            
            teaching whether there are any buttons to expand to a window.  Clearly, there is the              
            reduction in size, but we find no evidence of the expanding function as recited in the            
            language of independent claim 1.  The examiner maintains that Microsoft is directed to            
            the user and not the professional programmer so that the omission is proof that even              
            the casual user does not require such detail to know that these functions are there.  We          
            disagree with the examiner’s lack of concern for the requirement of evidence to support           
            the findings in a rejection.  The examiner’s position that the heavy outline on page 54 is        
            a selection of a subproject is a reasonable interpretation, but it could also be the mere         
            selection of the input cell and perform no expansion thereof.  Since it is does not               
            inherently follow that there is a selection and expansion, we find that the examiner has          
            not established a prima facie case of anticipation, and we cannot sustain the rejection           
            of independent claim 1 and dependent claims 2-5 under 35 U.S.C. § 102 over                        
                   With respect to independent claim 10, appellants similarly argue that Microsoft            
            does not teach “receiving a selection of a field” and “displaying an editing window in            
            which the content of the selected field is edited.”  (See brief at pages 7-8.)  Appellants        
            argue that the examiner has not provided any indication in Microsoft of a selection and           


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