Ex Parte KERN et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2002-1066                                                        
          Application No. 09/304,021                                                  

          63-64).  There appears to be no dispute that Yankaitis discloses            
          a wire cutting apparatus comprising a cutter holder carried by a            
          support, the cutter holder having a wire cutter, an electric                
          motor 40 carried by the support having an output driving the                
          cutter holder, and a proximity sensor 52 arranged downstream of             
          the cutting station arranged in sensory communication with the              
          wire cutter adapted to produce a signal indicating presence of              
          wire in proximity to the end of a predetermined wire path.                  
               The examiner concedes that Yankaitis does not have an                  
          additional proximity sensor arranged in sensory communication               
          with the wire cutter adapted to produce a signal indicating                 
          location of the wire cutter relative to the wire path, or a                 
          controller responsive to both proximity sensors to control the              
          electrical motor by selectively generating a first electrical               
          output to drive the motor and work the wire cutter into the                 
          predetermined wire path and a second electrical output to                   
          decelerate the motor and maintain the wire cutter adjacent to the           
          predetermined wire path.  The examiner turns to Green for a                 
          teaching of these features.                                                 
               Green pertains to a differential integral controller for               
          controlling a rotary knife for cutting sheet material.  According           
          to Green (column 1, lines 47-66), the invention thereof                     


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