Ex Parte KERN et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2002-1066                                                        
          Application No. 09/304,021                                                  

               provides a method and apparatus for controlling a                      
               moving knife in a continuous sheet cutting process for                 
               cutting the continous [sic] sheet into predetermined                   
               lengths wherein the moving knife is maintained in a                    
               park position until a predetermined length of the                      
               continuous sheet has passed the location where the cut                 
               is made. . . .  The moving knife starts from rest at                   
               the park position and accelerates to a speed greater                   
               than a speed synchronous with the material line then                   
               decelerates to a speed synchronous with the material                   
               line prior to cutting the continous [sic] moving sheet                 
               of material into a predetermined length then operates                  
               synchronous with the material line until the knife                     
               returns to the park position.                                          
               The controller of Green includes, among other things, a                
          microprocessor 34 that utilizes the input of three pulse                    
          generators to control rotary knife 18.  Pulse generator                     
          30 generates a series of electrical pulses as a function of the             
          length of continuous wallboard passing roller 28.  These pulses             
          “represent[] the length of wallboard line that has been measured            
          since the accumulation of pulses generated by pulse generator 30            
          was last reset to zero” (column 3, lines 8-11).  Pulse generator            
          36 generates pulses as a function of the distance of travel of              
          knife 18 from the park position.  These pulses “represent the               
          distance of travel of knife 18 from the park position since the             
          accumulation of pulses generated by pulse generator 36 was last             
          reset to zero” (column 3, lines 18-21).  Pulse generator 40                 
          generates one pulse per revolution of knife 18 upon returning to            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007