Ex Parte Rixon - Page 7

              Appeal No. 2003-0111                                                               Page 7                
              Application No. 09/602,532                                                                               

              between the second reduced diameter portion 58 and the bracket apertures 20.  With                       
              the bearings 42 thus engaged with the bracket 14, further movement of the pedal 12                       
              relative to the bracket 14 is limited to rotary motion about the axis of rotation 24.  A link            
              pin 38 is subsequently connected to a clutch linkage 62.                                                 

                     We agree with the examiner (answer, p. 3) that Carr's pedal assembly 18 (i.e,                     
              connecting mechanism 16 and pedal 12) is inherently removable from bracket 14 by                         
              squeezing both of the chamfer ends of the bearings 42 inwardly to compress the spring                    
              48 while pulling the pedal 12 in a direction normal to the axis of rotation 34.                          
              Nevertheless, we agree with the appellant (brief, pp. 3-4; reply brief, p. 1) that the                   
              mechanism clause of claim 4 is not found, either expressly or inherently described, in                   
              Carr.  While Carr's connecting mechanism 16 does rotationally support the pedal 12 on                    
              the bracket 14 for movement in a plane about an axis of rotation 24 and for releasing                    
              the pedal from rotational support provided by the bracket this is not accomplished in                    
              response to a predetermined force applied to the pedal wherein the mechanism                             
              includes first and second members having an inclined surface therebetween for moving                     
              one of the members relative to the other along the axis of rotation in response to the                   
              predetermined force applied to the pedal.  In that regard, Carr's bearings 42 are                        
              movable along the axis of rotation 24 in response to a predetermined force applied to                    

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